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Massage for Skiers

As the snow sport season gets into full swing in Vermont, it's a good time to check-in with your body. Despite all the running, yoga or gym time you did during the summer, you can still be surprised by soreness from using all the different muscles. Everyone knows that skiing is a dangerous sport, and this goes beyond slipping on ice and crashing into a tree. Some injuries are preventable, if you take the time to stretch, strengthen and rest. Massage can help you before hitting the slopes by loosening your muscles, increasing range of motion, enhancing athletic performance and helping with better focus. After a long day on the hill, a massage can help reduce pain in sore areas, improve mood after you're ski partner beat you in a race, improve your immune response after you got stuck on the lift in single digits, and help you sleep so you can wake up and do it all again the next day. Stay safe, have fun on the mountain, and come get a massage!

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